Fix Pension Poverty
This campaign aims to improve the standard of living for older Australians reliant on the Age Pension.
Our Recommendations
Increasing Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) rates in Australia will alleviate housing poverty for older people at risk of poverty. Indexation of CRA should be calculated using the rents component of CPI rather than overall CPI to more accurately reflect changing housing costs.
Establishing a Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme providing $500 per year towards interventions to improve oral health outcomes among older people will reduce pressure on public dental and ensure older people do not go without vital oral health care.
We are calling for a trial of changes to pension and government payment rules to allow Health Care and Social Assistance sector workers to continue working without affecting their pension.
With an estimated 23.7% of pensioners living in poverty, the federal government should create a targeted Pensioner Concession Card to provide additional support to those most in need.

The Research
Older people and cost of living
This report and infographics show how cost of living pressures are being felt disproportionately by certain groups. Renters, those on low fixed incomes, single person households and people in rural or remote areas are more likely to be experiencing severe cost of living impacts.
Policy Briefing: Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme
Establishing a Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme providing $500 per year towards interventions to improve oral health outcomes among older people will reduce pressure on public dental and ensure older people do not go without vital oral health care.

Other Advocacy Campaigns
Giving older Australians a better future
National Seniors is a not-for-profit membership and advocacy organisation that gives older Australians – working and retired – a strong national voice. We tackle issues such as age discrimination, mature age employment, the Age Pension, social inclusion, cost of living concerns and more.