Productive Ageing Institute

The Productive Ageing Institute provides research and insights to advance the wellbeing of older Australians

Topics: Aged Care, Community, Employment, Finances, Health & Wellbeing, Housing, Retirement Income, Technology, Transport

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Media Releases

Published 27.02.2025
MEDIA RELEASE_Seniors call for Private Health Review as Premiums Rise_270225
Published 25.02.2025
MEDIA RELEASE_Time to be Bold. National Seniors Australia releases policies ahead of Federal Election_240225
Published 23.02.2024
New research from National Seniors Australia suggests 68% of older people have recently gone without or hesitated to access essential...
Published 23.02.2024
The long-awaited draft of a new federal Aged Care Act has arrived for public consultation. National Seniors Australia is directly...
Published 23.02.2024
After almost seven years of advocating for the rights of older Australians, Mr Ian Henschke has left National Seniors Australia...
Published 23.02.2024
With Labor’s cost-of-living caucus meeting today, National Seniors Australia (NSA) supports moves to reduce pressures for all Australians, including older...

Our Key People

We’ve assembled an experienced, passionate and skillful team to record and represent older Australian’s concerns to all levels of government and the community.

Dr Brendon Radford

Director of Policy and Research

Dr Diane Hosking

Head of Research

Dr Lindy Orthia

Senior Research Officer

Chris Grice

Chief Executive Officer

Budget Submission Election Priorities

With strong support and consultation with of our member base, we’re able to offer robust solutions and recommendations on issues impacting senior Australians.

National Seniors Advocacy

National Seniors Australia is the leading not-for-profit organisation championing solutions to the diverse challenges confronting older Australians while actively promoting opportunities created by seniors.

Giving older Australians a better future

National Seniors is a not-for-profit membership and advocacy organisation that gives older Australians – working and retired – a strong national voice. We tackle issues such as age discrimination, mature age employment, the Age Pension, social inclusion, cost of living concerns and more.

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