Queensland Election 2020 – Priorities for the over 50s

Queensland Election 2020 – Priorities for the over 50s

National Seniors outlines its priorities for the upcoming 2020 Queensland election.

National Seniors Australia Queensland Election 2020 Priorities for the over 50s Transport Candidates should commit to offering free off-peak travel on public transport for seniors. Pensioners should have access to a concession on vehicle registration. Expand Council Cabs service to all councils in Queensland. Extend Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS) for seniors with disabilities or mobility impairments. Housing Incentives needed for developers to build housing meeting accessibility standards. Change national building code to mandate higher accessibility standards. Provide funding for more social housing and research for ageing-in-place policies. Stamp duty concessions to encourage seniors to downsize. End of Life Introduce funeral industry regulations to protect older Queenslanders. Implement measures to regulate the funeral industry with national standards and compliance rules. Rates and Water Increase water subsidy for Pensioner Concession Card holders. Increase rates subsidy to 25% up to a maximum of $300 annually. Mature-age Employment Increase funding for Vocational and Educational Training (VET) for mature workers. Provide apprenticeship or traineeship minimum wage for mature age students. Energy Apply annual indexation to Electricity Rebate to keep pace with cost increases. Increase Reticulated Natural Gas Rebate to $100 annually. Maintain budget arrangements for Solar Bonus Scheme to keep energy costs low. Offer seniors opportunities to invest in large-scale renewable energy projects.
Queensland Election 2020 - Priorities for the over 50s

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Giving older Australians a better future

National Seniors is a not-for-profit membership and advocacy organisation that gives older Australians – working and retired – a strong national voice. We tackle issues such as age discrimination, mature age employment, the Age Pension, social inclusion, cost of living concerns and more.

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