Federal Budget Submission 2023

Federal Budget Submission 2023

National Seniors Australia’s Federal Budget Submission 2023


Older Australians want a strong government that makes prudent policy decisions.

Key policies include creating a stronger retirement system, improving access to care at home, and older people contributing to future generations.

Recommendations include establishing an Independent Pension Tribunal, providing mature age home care traineeships, and allowing downsizing for those on the cusp of residential care.

Retirement Income: Fix Pension Poverty

Recommendation to establish an Independent Pension Tribunal to set fair rates and account for inflation changes.

Benefits include restoring faith in government and setting variable rates based on need.

Health and Aged Care: Workforce

Recommendations for mature age home care traineeships and quality training for aged care workers.

Health and Aged Care: Care at Home

Recommendation to allow downsizing for those on the cusp of residential care to reduce costs and keep people at home longer.

Health and Aged Care: Funding Aged Care

Calls for all sides of politics to commit to funding aged care reforms transparently.

Proposal for a Home Care Loans Scheme to fund additional care.

Clean Energy Bonds

Older Australians are interested in investing in renewable energy.

Proposal for Clean Energy Bonds to generate capital for projects like Community Batteries.

Federal Budget Submission 2023

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Giving older Australians a better future

National Seniors is a not-for-profit membership and advocacy organisation that gives older Australians – working and retired – a strong national voice. We tackle issues such as age discrimination, mature age employment, the Age Pension, social inclusion, cost of living concerns and more.

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