Older Australians, Community and Quality of Life

A 2022 National Seniors Australia survey of almost 3500 older Australians with a range of questions about community and quality of life.
Changing local communities to improve quality of life: older Australian’s wishlists

National Seniors Australia 2022 survey of thousands of Australians aged 50 and over about their communities and quality of life.
Older Australians and Volunteering

This report highlights older Australians’ volunteer activities and their views on volunteering.
Older Australians’ Perspectives on Working After Retirement

National Seniors Australia surveyed 3938 Australians aged 50+ in February 2022, asking questions about their employment and retirement status, their interest in reentering paid work after retirement and motivations for this, and the barriers retirees face when seeking to re-enter the paid workforce. This report details their motivations to re-enter paid work, barries to post-retirement […]
Worry about the younger generation: Older Australians’ intergenerational solidarity

In 2019 a National Seniors survey asked older Australians if there were any issues affecting younger people that they were particularly concerned about.
Supporting older entrepreneurs in Queensland

This research aims to identify entrepreneurial opportunities for older Queenslanders, and the support they need to succeed in business ventures.
Getting good advice in the Information Age

Life satisfaction among older Australians

Living longer, learning longer: Experiences, perceptions and intentions regarding learning, education and training among older Australians

Change is inevitable, so plan for it