Submission to the COVID-19 Response Inquiry
QLD Budget Submission 2024-25
Key priorities and recommendations have been formulated by National Seniors Queensland Policy Advisory Group on behalf of its members across Queensland as options for consideration as part of the budget process in 2023-24.
The cost of living and older Australians’ financial wellbeing
National Seniors Australia in partnership with the investment management company Challenger sought to find out how increased living costs were affecting older Australians through a set of questions in the annual National Seniors Social Survey.
Older People’s Experiences of Healthcare Affordability and Accessibility
This report is based on a survey of almost 6000 people aged 50+ and living in Australia about their experiences with healthcare affordability and accessibility.
Older people and cost of living: who’s most affected?
National Seniors Australia conducted research into older people and the cost of living to find out who is most affected.
Older people’s experiences of cost of living increases
Older people’s experiences of cost of living increases: a snapshot from the 2023 NSA Social Survey