Consultation Paper No.1 – A new model for regulating aged care

Consultation Paper No.1 – A new model for regulating aged care

13 October 2022

National Seniors Australia's Observations on the Proposed Regulatory Framework for Aged Care
National Seniors Australia supports the foundations of the new model for regulating aged care, including a rights-based and person-centered approach.

They also support a risk-based approach within the new model to ensure regulation is commensurate with risk levels.

Continuous improvement is seen as a crucial foundation for the new model, with opportunities for ongoing feedback from care recipients.

Safeguards and tools such as registration, provider responsibilities, and market oversight are essential for ensuring quality care and compliance.

Transparency in monitoring and compliance systems, as well as financial sustainability monitoring of providers, are highlighted as critical aspects.

The transition to the new regulatory framework should provide appropriate support and resourcing for providers and workers to manage change effectively.

Consultation Paper No.1 – A new model for regulating aged care

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Giving older Australians a better future

National Seniors is a not-for-profit membership and advocacy organisation that gives older Australians – working and retired – a strong national voice. We tackle issues such as age discrimination, mature age employment, the Age Pension, social inclusion, cost of living concerns and more.

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